Ford Radio Code Generator

No music in your car? Calculate your original Ford radio code quickly from the identification serial number.

Super fast radio code delivery!

How to get your Ford radio code for free

Generate the code for your Ford car radio from the serial number that you can find on the rear label. For some models, you can also find this number on the screen by pressing buttons 1 and 6 or 2 and 6. This number is all you need to calculate from your activation code.

Where do I find my serial number?
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Get your Ford radio code

Get the code for your Ford radio without paying a penny. Some codes are instantly available while for others you have to wait 24 hours before receiving them, but it's completely free!

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Don't waste your time

There is no need on creating accounts, surveys or weird things. Provide your serial number and follow the simple steps. We guarantee the highest efficiency in the process of recovering your code.

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100% Working code generator

Whether you pay or get your code for free, we guarantee the correct code. If the code you receive does not work for any reason, benefit from the best assistance to solve the problem.

Where to find the serial number

6000 CD radio

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Ford 6000 cd 2004 - 2008 radio

Option 1: Find serial on screen

Turn your 6000 CD unit switch to ON and then press and hold buttons 1 and 6 simultaneously for three seconds. The stereo toggle different information for 30 seconds, but we are only interested in the last data it shows. Taking a video with the mobile will help to see better what's displayed last. The serial starts with a V letter, followed by six digits. Example: V123003. Sometimes, you can see something like this: FDD2004M123456; it is also a valid serial. If none of these is displayed, see the following method.

Option 2: Find serial on rear label

Using the extraction tools like these, use the four extraction holes to pull out the radio unit. You can see how to use the keys in this video. If the extraction keys are unavailable in your country, you can remove the radio using homemade tools, as explained in this youtube tutorial. Once out, locate the serial on the label attached to the case aside. A valid identification number starts with the letter V or M, followed by six digits. Example: V032009 or M329801.

Unlock radio code free

6000 CD radio

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Ford 6000 cd 2008 - 2012 radio

Turn on your 6000 cd unit, after which you press and hold buttons 1 and 6 simultaneously for three seconds. On-screen different information starts scrolling for 30 seconds. The serial number displays the last starting with the V letter + 6 digits. Example: V128391.

Unlock V series code free

RDS E-O-N Cassete & CD

1997 1998 1999 2001 2002 2003
Ford radios RDS EON casette and CD 1998 - 2004

All older 2004 models have the serial number located on the label attached to the side of the radio. These models have a serial number M. Example: M389381. To see this label, remove the radio using a removal key like these on Amazon.

Unlock M series code

Sony CD3XX

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Ford Sony CD3XX radio 2008 - 2012

You can find the serial number by turning on the radio and holding down buttons 1 and 6. Different type of info appears on the screen, including the number we are looking for. Take a video with your mobile of all this information. Identify the serial number which starts with SOCD. Example: SOCDX1BV202911. Use this identification number as is to calculate your keycode.

Get Sony key-code

4500 RDS E-O-N

2002 2003 2004 2005
Ford 4500 RDS EON radio 2002 - 2005

Press the Power button to turn on the radio, and when the CODE message appears, simultaneously press buttons 2 and 6. You can see the serial number on the screen in this format: M129289. You can see how to exactly proceed in this step by stem video. Otherwise, if the number starts with B, be sure to press 2 and 6 and not buttons 1 and 6.

Get Sony key-code

Navigations EX, FX and NX

2004 - 2007 2008 - 2011 2012 - 2015
Ford Navigation Travelpilot FX

The id number of a Ford navigation is always inscribed on the label attached to the side of the box. This sticker is not simply visible, and you must remove the navigation from the centre of the console to be able to see it. Use the following tutorials to see how to proceed depending on the model you have.

Get navi device PIN

Any origianl Ford radio

1997 2002 2004 2007
Ford radio any model

All original Ford radios have the serial number written on the rear label, which you can see by taking out the unit. Once you can see the sticker with the information, look above or below the barcode. Here are some examples of valid serial numbers for Ford:

  • V Series: V188991
  • M Series: M329001
  • L Series: L032782
  • C Series: C032009
  • Blaupunkt: BP2989 A 3920001
  • Blaupunkt: C7E3A09 A 3920001

Unlock Ford radio code by car make

ford mondeo car from 2007


ford ka car from 2006


ford galaxy car from 2006


ford puma car from 2005


ford kuga car from 2008


Useful info

Some of our users get impatient and can't wait those 24 hours to get their free code. If that's the case, you can always try our radio codes app or use this other online code calculator. When we did the test, we could calculate a V series code, for example, instantly and at no cost.

The Ford radio code input may be confusing for some models such as 6000 CD or 4500 RDS E-O-N. If you have one of these, follow the instructions:

  • Turn your stereo switch to ON and ensure you can read 'CODE' 'Enter Code' or 'Enter Keycode'.
  • Repeatedly press button 1 until you see the first digit of the code.
  • Do the same with the remaining three digits of the code.
  • Confirm the code by holding button 5 for a few seconds.
  • The radio should start working.

⚠️ If "WAIT 30" error appears on the screen, that means that the code you have entered is incorrect. To enter another code, leave the unit ON for thirty minutes.

⚠️ If you enter the wrong code for ten times, the radio gets locked with the message "LOCKED" or "LOCKED 10" on screen. You can get another three attempts by holding down button 6 for ten seconds. If you exhaust these three attempts, the radio is locked under the "LOCKED 13" message, and can no longer be fixed online.

If your Ford radio serial number does not start with V, M, BP or C7, you can still find the code using this solution. We have tested it for the Sanyo (Australia) and Ford Figo (India and South America) models, returning a correct code in both cases. For other models, you can check with us by chat. A photo of the tag is all we need to give you the exact unlocking steps.

Unlock free using our app


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Based on 1140 ratings

Krlos 06 Mar 2025
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si funciona seguid las indicaciones y lo lograran

Karen 04 Mar 2025
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Just used this app. Excellent !!! It works. And no charge. Thanks a million.

Antonio 21 Feb 2025
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Super. Muito bom.

Vinh Hoang 31 Jan 2025
rating stars green
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very good! thank you so much i thought i would have to pay hundreds!

Antony Phillis 22 Jan 2025
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Very quick and much appreciated

Peter 06 Jan 2025
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Just perfect!Thank you!I recommend it!

Pavel 18 Dec 2024
rating stars green
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Super. Спасибо.

Darius 10 Dec 2024
rating stars green
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Works great and quick instantly

Mark 06 Dec 2024
rating stars green
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Thanks. Worked a treat!

Tommy Belshaw 25 Nov 2024
rating stars green
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Spot on response

Norman glasgow 22 Oct 2024
rating stars green
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work first time AAAAAA

Chris Mungall 20 Oct 2024
rating stars green
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Excellent website generated correct code for my Ford in seconds. Thankyou

Aaron hooker 15 Oct 2024
rating stars green
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Life savers worked stright away would definitely recommend

Sam Joy 08 Oct 2024
rating stars green
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I made 6 attempts in my Ford Mondeo and its not working. Got my 4 digit code but when i tried putting the codes its not working.Its not about the code its the buttons(1,2,3,4 etc..) not functioning properly.When i put my first number code and press 1 its going next to the second digit.How can i solve this?

Paul Grundy 30 Sep 2024
rating stars green
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Excellent, got the code straight away. Thanks!

Marcus odell 01 Sep 2024
rating stars green
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Very good thamks

Emiliano 05 Aug 2024
rating stars green
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The actual code for free, excellent

Sab 17 Jul 2024
rating stars green
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Great service, got my stereo up and running for free!

Emmanuel 15 Jun 2024
rating stars green
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Works like magic

Carlos Pinto 08 Jun 2024
rating stars green
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Top providers, worked first time.

Mig 02 Jun 2024
rating stars green
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Quickly got my code which WORKS so a £5 well spent

M. Xavier 19 May 2024
rating stars green
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This was very easy thank you very much for send me the number I am very pleased and very grateful thank you

Pedro 17 Apr 2024
rating stars green
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very good, very fast

Mike 13 Apr 2024
rating stars green
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thankyou for your response much appreciated

Fation 30 Mar 2024
rating stars green
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100% E sakt edhe e shpejt ????

MA.AM 10 Mar 2024
rating stars green
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Waited 24 hours for the code and it actually worked didn't think it would W website

Mattias 18 Jan 2024
rating stars green
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Super duper,now we can listen to Mariah Carey Christmas songs again

Anthony 31 Dec 2023
rating stars green
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Very good and most useful keep up the work, thanks

Aneta Deja 29 Dec 2023
rating stars green
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wszystko ok, kod działa

Ezequiel 23 Dec 2023
rating stars green
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Un lujo.. espero que funcione sino me jodoooo

Sally 02 Dec 2023
rating stars green
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Absolutely brilliant. I finally have music again!! Thank you

STEBIN T B 17 Nov 2023
rating stars green
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I got the code and unlocked thank you

Vladu 07 Oct 2023
rating stars green
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Thank you so much

Anders 24 Sep 2023
rating stars green
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Funkar klockrent
